We’re done multiplying by 2, so we can remove it. Then we’ll multiply 7×2 and put that answer three columns over from the 2. First we find 8×2 and put that answer two columns over from the 2. We’ll do the same thing, multiplying 87 by 2. Notice the number on the far right, 435, is just 87×5. Since we’re done multiplying 87 by 5, we can remove the 5. This is 35, and we put the answer three columns over from the 5. We always use two for the left-most column. Since we’re using the 8, we’ll put the answer two columns over from the 5. Whenever we multiply by the 8 of 87 we’ll put the answer two columns over, and whenever we multiply by the 7 of 87 we’ll put the answer three columns over. Yes, the is backwards from how we’re multiplying 625, but that just keeps it fun. We’ll multiply the digit 8 and then the digit 7. then we’ll multiply 87 by the 2 of 6 25, freeing up yet another column, and finally we’ll multiply the 87 by the 6. We’ll first multiply 87 by the 5 of 62 5then we’ll get rid of that 5, freeing up an extra column. We’ll create the extra space as we move along. But our answer will be more than 3 digits long, so we’re going to need more space. We’re going to put our answer on the far right, which is why we needed those blank spaces. (Pause.) Before we get started on the process, it’s helpful to take a look at the big picture. Just look at the picture and it should be clear. Since 87 is a 2 digit number, we want to leave 3 blank spaces that’s ( 2+1) on the far right, and we’ll put 625 after that (where by “after” I guess I mean “before”, to the left). Pick one of the numbers (87) and put it on the far left-hand side of the abacus. But this process will work for anything beyond that. On to multiplication! For single digits, well, you pretty much just need to know all your basic multiplication facts. Likewise, if you had 358 and you wanted to add 4, you could add a five bead and subtract 1 unit, then regroup, or you could add 1 ten bead and subtract the five and a one bead. Lots of regrouping.) or you could just add 2 tens and then remove 2 ones. īut what if it’s not that simple? If you have a number like 358 and you want to add 18, you could do it bead by bead (Slow.

On to adding! Some of this is easy: If you have a number like 358 and you want to add 100, you just move one of the 100 beads.
It just makes certain carrying easier, plus it’s what I could find.

The 2/5 abacus (which is what I have) is used in China, and it’s called a Saun-pan. Some have that it’s called a 1/4 abacus, and I believe it’s been popular in Japan for about 60 or 70 years. Notice that you could get by with each rod only having 1 bead on the top and 4 on the bottom. Beads on the top count as 5, while beads on the bottom count as 1. and you only look at which beads are touching the center bar. Numbers are written with the 1s column on the far right, then the 10s column, then the 100s column, etc.
To start, you need to know how to write numbers on the Chinese abacus. Continuing with different ways to multiply, here’s just the one